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Staff Training
Our training is provided by internationally approved tutors at different levels.
Starting from entry level up to managerial and professional levels including
Our Tutors Approved by High Field Internationally Accreditation
Food Safety Proffisional Experts
Experts In Different Fields

A business or activity that involves the handling or sale of food is referred to as a "food business".
The standards for such businesses include requirements for maintaining food handler health and hygiene, and their ultimate objective is to reduce the frequency of food-borne illnesses. A food safety program is a written document indicating how a food business will control the food safety hazards associated with the food handling activities of the business.
Internal Auditing
Business Support

We provide independent assurance that the internal control within the organization is operating effectively.
We Conduct System audits to minimize the Gap and coach the organization in preparing, documenting, and implementing food safety and quality control system.
First Party Audit
Second Party Audit
First Party Audit
First party audit is an internal audit that is conducted by our professional and experienced auditors who have no vested interest in the audit results of the area being audited
Scope of First Party Audit
- Gap analysis conducting audit hich is an audit to assess the gap between your system and a certain standard/certification as:
- ISO 22000.
- FSSC 22000.
- ISO 9001.
- ISO 14001.
- ISO 45001.
- BRC.

- System audit that includes examining the key organizational systems, practices, procedures, and controls supporting efficiency, such as performance measurement and reporting systems, and management’s systems for benchmarking organizational performance. The system audit is done to ensure the implementation of a standard such as:
- ISO 22000.
- FSSC 22000.
- ISO 9001.
- ISO 14001.
- ISO 45001.
- BRC.

- Process audit To ensure that the manufacturing process is proceeding properly according to food safety standards and/or quality standards
Second Party Audit
A second party audit is an external audit performed on your suppliers by a contract with AIC to ensure that they are approved suppliers
Scope of Second Party Audit
- System audit that includes examining the key organizational systems, practices, procedures, and controls supporting efficiency, such as performance measurement and reporting systems, and management’s systems for benchmarking organizational performance. The system audit is done to ensure the implementation of a standard such as:
- ISO 22000.
- FSSC 22000.
- ISO 9001.
- ISO 14001.
- ISO 45001.
- BRC.

- Process audit to ensure that the manufacturing process is proceeding properly according to food safety standards and/or quality standards

Lab Analysis
AIC do the laboratory sampling in an accredited laboratory (ISO 17025)
We provide you with accurate laboratory results that will help you to verify the safety and quality of your food safety management system in order to comply with the local and/or international legislations
Agriculture products
Packaging material in all stages of production
Lab Analysis
AIC do the laboratory sampling in an accredited laboratory (ISO 17025) specialized in Microbiological and Chemical testing for:



Agriculture products

Packaging material in
all stages of production
We provide you with accurate laboratory results that will help you to verify the safety and quality of your food safety management system in order to comply with the local and/or international legislations
The process of our laboratory analysis at the restaurants and factories:
- The laboratory analysis is done by our professional doctors.
- A suggested sampling plan is provided by our company for each product.
Laboratory analysis to determine the bacterial count which present in food,
water sample and surfaces swabs such as:
- Total Plate Count (TPC).
- Escherichia Coli (E.coli).
- Coliform.
- Salmonella
- Staphylococcus aureus.
Onsite rapid tests using hygiena to verify:
- Surfaces cleanliness.
- The efficacy of hand washing.

Rapid Testing
Currently, the market's top-selling system for monitoring hygiene is the Hygiena SystemSURE Plus.
The Hygiena SystemSURE Plus detects adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Deduction maximization
Timely submissions
Reduced audit risks
Rabid Testing
Currently, the market's top-selling system for monitoring hygiene is the Hygiena SystemSURE Plus.
How does the SystemSURE Plus work?
The Hygiena SystemSURE Plus detects adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is a ubiquitous energy molecule present in all types of cells including those of animals, plants, bacteria, yeast, and mold. Food or organic residues often contain significant amounts of ATP, which can lead to bacterial growth, cross-contamination, biofilm development, and other quality issues if left on surfaces. Although microbial contamination contains only small amounts of ATP, all sources of ATP should be significantly reduced after cleaning.
Hygiena’s testing devices – Supersnap, Ultrasnap, and Aquasnap – utilize a unique, liquid-stable luciferase/luciferin reagent to produce light when in contact with ATP.
The amount of light generated is proportional to the amount of ATP present, and the system provides contamination level information within 15 seconds of testing. A higher reading indicates higher contamination levels.
Assessing surface cleanliness immediately after cleaning ensures that any contamination has been removed, which can improve product quality, extend shelf life, prevent cross-contamination, enable immediate corrective action, and avoid recalls.

Mystery Shopping
Our Mystery Shopping will help you understand your customer needs so that you can greatly improve your service, sales and business performance.
We customize a mystery shopping program to give you accurate and informative reports based on the quality of your service offering.
From staff response times.
Staff appearance.
Product choice.
Client satisfaction and other critical service factors.

Devices & Tools
Tools & Instruments Providing
AIC can provide you with any tool or equipment that you need in your food facility. AIC can guide you to the suitable tool and/or equipment that fits your business and matches the local and international legislations (according to the scope of your business).
Chlorine tablets.
Test strips for chlorine.
Test strips for quaternary ammonium compounds.
Thermometers (Laser and probe thermometers).
Hygiena SystemSURE Plus ATP Monitoring System.
UltraSnap™ Surface ATP Test.
Oil tester.
Rabid Testing
Currently, the market's top-selling system for monitoring hygiene is the Hygiena SystemSURE Plus.
AIC provides various tools and instruments for food facilities such as:
Chlorine tablets.
Test strips for chlorine.
Test strips for quaternary ammonium compounds.
Thermometers (Laser and probe thermometers).
Hygiena SystemSURE Plus ATP Monitoring System.
UltraSnap™ Surface ATP Test.
Oil tester.

AIC can provide you with any tool or equipment that you need in your food facility. AIC can guide you to the suitable tool and/or equipment that fits your business and matches the local and international legislations (according to the scope of your business).
You can contact our team of tool or equipment that you need and we will provide you with all of our details.

Lab Establishment
Establish your own facility laboratory
Establish your own laboratory in accordance with the highest international standards and under the supervision of the largest experts in the field of quality and food safety.
Planning And Designing.
Manpower Support.
Equipment Support.
Staff Training.

Solid management
Solutions that scale
Whether you're an individual, a small team, or a growing enterprise, we have a plan that aligns perfectly with your goals. Join companies who trust our expertise.
We aim to be the most productive service organization in the world. Our chosen markets will be only determined by our ability to be the most competitive and to consistently deliver unequaled service to our customers all over the world.
We seek to be characterized by our integrity, and our passion as we do our best to fulfill our vision.
AIC- Advisors international corporation is one of the leading providers of solutions and improvements to various food establishments as restaurants, hotels, manufacturing, and retail. Having a global approach in service delivery, whether inspection, technical assistance, audit (First or second-party audits), or technical training.